Monday, May 21, 2012

Prolouge: YIG'S TALE

AKA.This is what happens when you PrtSc and then use paint to crop 

So cataclysm .....

Cataclysm is a rouglike post-apocalyptic role playing game where you play a survivor within a wasteland of mutants robots and zombies....

sounds pretty BADASS AMIRITE ?

and despite its ASCII graphics it is, if you have a game where can spontaneously mutate into a super powered tentacle monster than you've probably crafted the best thing ever

So i decided to give it a shot
No seriously this game was made this year

So this being an rpg first thing you've gotta do is create a character, unfortunately i did not have the presence of mind to screenshot the completed character sheet, but i did memorize the details sooooooooo

Name:YIG, the lamest name you can give someone


Android: they put a computer IN MY BRAIN!
Genetically robust: higher chance of mutating beneficially

heavy sleeper

so anyway upon starting the game you are immediately spawned into an "Evacuation shelter" presumably acting as a shelter from Evacuation

as you can see my current weapon is my fists I JUST DONT GIVE A SHIT!
but anyway the white @ is me while the purple @ is an npc , i'm not even gonna bother with him

i've too many irons on the fire you see...
i descend down the stairs in the middle of the room to find supplies
as you can see the darkness of my surroundings is represented by # symbols clusterf***ing my screen except for a 3X3 area

it will be exceptionally annoying to find  anything down here
except for drugs  apparently
anyway along with dem vitamins i find an EXTREMELY VITAL bottle of water with this when they find my corpse ,i might, at least not be dehydrated....

Anyhow i decide its time to ditch this shitbarge and find somewhere else to plunder weapons and good
but especially a backpack, to begin my epic quest for "mad snackz yo" i open my magical map
again The @ is me the F means forest the . represent plans and the lines represent road

here i have managed to spot a town with a gunstore,pharmacy, bar , and police station. these buildings are likely to contain glorious loots <,^and > all represent houses

as you can see here i have armed myself with a rock i have a proficiency for blunt shit and shotguns, so this will do for now

here we have a house, since i don't have a backpack for now i have to regulate to stuff i can wear 1 thing i can wield a couple of tools and consumables and the clothes on my back. very poetic actually, anyhow i don some awesome leather gloves and a bandanna before leaving the houseoh dear as you can see in the info scroll i have come near a monster! safe mode has warned me to its presence as you can see in the east and southeast there are who-knows-how-many number of zombie
i think its just best to avoid them now.


As you can see avoiding the zombies didn't work well do you see those Z's in the second picture... yeah those are zombies and yes they're all after me looks like YIGS shopping trip has been put off....
i like to think O,M,B,I,E and S  are following them off screen

well in my terrified state of stupor i run into the escape shelter suffering some heavy wounds and delve into the basement to find nourishment and painkillers.

unfortunately due to my ignorance to anything that isn't tinned soup and pharmaceutical drugs i fail to notice zombies breaching the basement, fortunately for me rock beats one zombie.......
.... but not hundredsYIGS journey comes to an end his tragically bioenginered body shuts down never knowing whats out there or what Could have  been in the wasteland ... of cataclysm 

So cataclysm.